Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



rival at New Orleans your draft on Messrs T. Toby & Brothers was honored by those gentlemen. I have been somewhat (unavoidably) delayed in my progress to this place where I arrived six days since. Tomorrow I take my departure for the Prairies in company with the [to·rn] of the traders. This circumstance affords me facilities for the transportation of necessaries. My arrival among the Indians will probably take place in about ten days from this time: when I shall hurry thro my business with the Indians so as to make as early an appearance in Texas as possible. On my arr'ival at this post, I consulted with the Prest. of the bord of Commissioners for the Indians (west) on the propriety of my views with the Comanche and Kiowa and he sanctioned them. This step I thought proper. I apprehend no difficulty in transacting my business with the Indians: However I shall again and as soon as possible no- tify you of my progress.

I have the honor to be with much respt. your Hum. Sert.

Fort Gibson Nov. 7th 1836


His Excdy. the President of the Republic of Texas


Care of l\less;·s. T. Toby & Brother

~t'w Ol'leans 26 Deem.

New Orleans Forwarded by Thos. Toby & Brother A. LeGrnnd Nov. 7 1836

No. 11

BILL OF GOODS FURNISHED THE CHEROKEE INDIANS BY RICHARD SPARKS ,.\~D SMITH [February 24, 1837] A Bill of Goods furnished by Richard Sparks and Smith for the Cherokee on their trip to the prairies Twdve Blankets $8. per Blanket twenty one tin cups .25cts each One coffee Biler for Bowles 20 fh. ps of stroud per flap $1.50 $96.00 5.25 1.50 30.00

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