Executive Department, Washington, July 22, 1843
To James H. Raymond, Esq. Acting Treasurer.
Sir.-Pay D. H. Klaener One hundred and seventeen dollars and sixty eight cents par funds ($117.68) out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian purposes, appropriated in 1843, on account of drafts drawn in favor of D. H. Klaener and N. D. Labadie by J.C. Eldredge etc., the first for $27.00 and the other for $90.68, the first assigned by N. D. Labadie to D. H. Klaener, and hold this as a voucher. Your obt. servt., Sam Houston Washington July 22, 1843 Recieved of James B Shaw-acting Secy of the Treasury a draft payable thirty days from date, on James H Cocke collector Galveston for the above amount of one hundred and seventeen 68/100 Dollars from funds which when paid will be in full for the above. $ 117. 68 D H Klaener The Treasurer has signed a Definite Warrant for the above, (see Dept Wt data March 28/44 No 215)
JAMES B SHAW Actg. Secy of Treasury.
March 29/44
[Endorsed] Gent Houstons order $117.68 July 22 1843 Indian Purposes
To Klaene1ยท for Merchandize
No. 179
Treasury Department Washington July 22, 1843
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