7 Cups 1 Coffee Pot 11:! Rope
1.75 1.00 2.25 5.00 15.00
Lot of Campin ArticJs 2 Pr B1ankets
at 7.50
$ 114.51
Washington May 6th 1843 I certify on honor that the above articles were purchased for the use of the Indian Commission to the Comanche Nation, and that the amount, (One Hundred and fourteen 51/100 doHars) was agreed to be paid in par funds or the equivalent in Exchq. Bil1s at the market value. The account is correct.
J. C. Eldredge Genl. Supdr. Indian Affairs
Approved. Sam Houston
Executive Department Washington, May 6th, 1843
To J. B. Shaw, Esq., Acting Sec'y of Treas'y: etc. Sir-
Draw upon the Collector of Customs at Ga1veston in favor of Messrs. Torrey & Brothers, for the above amount, chargeable to the appropriation for Indian purposes. I have the honor to be etc. Sam Houston Received of James B Shaw Actg Secy of the Treasury a draft on the Collector at Ga]veston for the within amount of One hundred and forteen 51/100 dollars in par funds which when paid will be in full for the within. TORREY & BROTHERS Washington May 8, 1843 $ 114.51
Gent Houston
Order $ 114.51
May 8th, 1843 Indian fund To Torrey & Brothers for Merchandize
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