Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



per day ··············-·-·-·---···-·········· .......................................... $ 68.00

Cash advanced for the purchase <,f Shoes for Indian prisoners ............ ................. . .... .. . . .. . .................. ......... $ 5.00

$ 73.00 Cr. by cash received ............. .................................................. 20.00

$ 53.00 I certify the above services were performed by me, by order of the President, and that the amount of five dollars was ad- vanced by me for the Indian prisoners.

his Moses X Evans. mark

Witness W. D. Miller


Sam Houston

The abv Credit will be sen Voucher No 15. - JBS To Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer, etc.

Executive Department Washington, May 8th., 1843

Sir-Pay Moses Evans, fifty three dollars, out of the funds in your hands to my credit for conducting Indian prisoners to Waco village etc.; On the tenth day of June next, and hold this as a voucher for settlement. I have the honor to be etc etc etc SAM HOUSTON [Enclu·r8etl] Gen) Houston·s ordH r.3.$ May 8th 1843 Indian Purposes To Moses Evans fo1· Se:. Yict-s To Majr A Brigham Treasurer Pay the within to B F Johnson O!" bearer May 9th 1843 his M0ses X E\"ans mark witnt-ss E Bailey T:-f'asurers Office June 18th 1843 Received the within specified amount for B F Johnson J as H Raymond


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