Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



are not conveyed by this treaty, but excepted from its operation. -All persons who have onc-2 been removed and returned shall be considered as intruders and their settlements, not be re- spected.- A1·ticle Fourth, It is agreed by the parties aforesaid that the several Bands or Tribes named in this Treaty, shall all remove within the limits, or bounds as before described.- Article Fifth, It is agreed and declared, by the parties aforesaid that the Land, lying and being within the aforesaid limits shall never be sold or alienated to any person or persons, power or Govern- ment, whatsoever else than the Go';ernment of Texas, and the Commissioners on behalf of the Government of Texas bind themselves, to prevent in future all persons from intruding within the said bounds.-And it "is agreed upon the part of the Cherokee, for themselves and their younger Brothers, that no other tribes or Bands of Indians, whatsoever shall settle within the limits aforesaid, but those already named in this Treaty, and now residing in Texas.- Article Sixth, It is declared that no individual person, member of the Tribes before named, shall have power to sell, or lease land to any, person or persons, not a member or members of this com- munity of Indians, nor shall any citizen of Texas, be allowed to Lease or buy Land from any Indian or Indians. Article Seventh, That the Indians shall be governed by their own Regulations, and Laws, within their own territory, not contrary to the Laws of the Government of Texas.-All property stolen from the citi- zens of Texas, or from the Indians shall be restored to the party from whom it was stolen, and the offender or offenders shall be punishtd by the party to whom he or they may belong. Article Eighth, The Government of Texas shall have power to regulate Trade, and intercourse, but no Tax shall be laid on the Trade of the Indians.- . Article Ninth, The Parties to this Treaty agree that one or more agencies,

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