Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



To Hon Anson Jones.

Secretary of State Washington

No. 153 DRAFT ON GOVERNMENT [April 20, 1843]

This is to certify that I received of James W. Hill one hog- which would weigh about 2-00 lbs.

his John X Conner mark

Franklin April 20th 1843

April 20th 1843

Republic of Texas to James W Hill


to 200 Lbs pork at 6 cts. Exchequer-



Sam Houston

Executive Department Washington, May 6th, 1843.

To Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer etc.

Sir-Pay the above amount of twelve dollars to James W. Hill, or order, out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian purposes, and hold this as a voucher for settlement. I have the honor to be Your obt. Servt., Sam Houston [EndQr11ed] Gent Houstons order 12$ May 6th 1843 Indian Purposes To Jas. W. Hill for Pork Treasurers Office May 6th 1843 Received of Jas H Raymond Agent for the Treasurer the within amount of Twelve dollars Exchequer Bills JOHN E. SMITH

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