Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



out. of Genl. appropriation BiJJ for Indian purposes, subject to control of Executive $90.68 J. C. Eldredge Genl. Supt. Indians affairs

No. 151 ACCOUNT OF INDIAN BUREAU WITH W. A. GOODWIN Washington, April 18, 1843. Republic of Texas To W. A. Goodwin Dr. To new breech pin, and 3 loops for rifle for Indian ............ $ 7.00 Cylinder and tube-and repairing lock for do. ................. . 6.00 Spring and altering frizen [ ?] to lock for do. .................... 3.00 Bushing rifle . .... . ... ........ ..... . .. ... ..·····-·······-············· ·····- 1.00 Dog for Jock . ............. ... ... . .. ..... .. ........... ........................... 2.00



Sam Houston

Executive Department, Washington, April 18, 1843

To Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer etc.

Sir-Pay W. A. Goodwin the above amt. of Nineteen dollars out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian purposes, and hold this as a voucher for settlement. I have the honor to be Your obt. Servt., Sam Houston Treasurers Office June 6th 1843 Received the within specified amount in Exchequers-of Jas H Raymond Acting Treasurer W. A. GOODWIN [En,/or:;cd] Gen! Houstons Order 19$ Indian Purposes April 18th/4S

To W. A. Goodwin for Gunsmith work

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