Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 8


This Treaty made and established between Sam Houston, and John Forbes, Commissioners, on the part of the Provisional Government of Texas, on the one part, and the Cherokee, and their associate Bands now residing in Texas on the other part to wit: Shawnee, Delaware, Kickapoo, Quapaw, Choctaw, Biloxi, Ioni, Alabama, Coushatta, Caddo of the Neches, Tahocullake, and Mataquo,-By the Head Chiefs, Head men and Warriors, oi the Cherokee, as Elder Brothers and Representative of all the other Bands, agreeably to this last General Council. This Treaty is made-conformably to a declaration made by the last General Consultation, at San Felipe, and dated 13th Novem-

ber AD 1835. Article First,

The parties-declare, that there shall be a firm and lasting peace forever, and that a friendly intercourse shall be pursued, by the people belonging to both parties.- Article Second, It is agreed and declared that the before named Tribes, or Bands shall form one community, and that they shall have and possess the lands, within the following bounds. To wit-laying West of the San Antonio road, and beginning on the West, at the point where the said road crosses the River Angelina, and running up said river, untill it reaches the mouth of the first large creek, (below the great Shawnee village) emptying into the sa·id River from the north east, thence running. with said creek, to its main source, and from thence, a due north line to the Sabine River, and with said river West-then Starting where the San Antonio road crosses the Angelina river, and with the said road to the point where it crosses the Neches river and thence running up the east side of said river, in a north- west direction- Article Third, All lands granted or settled in good faith previous to the settlement of the Cherokee, within the before described bounds,

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