Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Jars, out of the fund in your hands to my credit, for "Indian purposes,'' and hold this ai:: a ,·oucher for settlement. I have the honor to be your obt. Servt. Sam Houston Treasurers Office Apl 18th 1843 Received of Jas H. Raymond Agent for Treasurer the above amount of one hundred and fifty dollars. J. C. Eldredge Washington Dec. 26. 1843 The within amount of one hundred and fifty dollars was paid me on account of my salary as Superintendent of Indian Af- fairs- J. C. ELDREDGE [Emfor:-.-d] G£-nl Houstons Order lf>O. $ Ap 17th 1843

Indian Pu1·poses To Jas Eldredge

No. 149


Executive Department Washington, April 17th, 1843

To Maj. Asa Brigham, Treasurer, etc.:

Sir,-Pay Moses Evans twenty dollars out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian Purposes, and hold this as a voucher for the same. for conducting the Indians to Tehuacana from Washington: I have the honor to be Your obt. servt., Sam Houston Washington April 18. 1843 Received of Mjr. Asa Brigham Treasurer of the Republic the

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