Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 145


Executive Department, Washington, April 25th. 1843

To Mr. James Ross.

Sir-Please pay Jim Second-Eye, a Delaware, Eleven dollars and fifty cents ($11.50) in merchandize .and charge to the Republic, payable sixty days from date. I have the honor to be Your obt. Servt., Draft on Treasury for the SAM HOUSTON above amt due 15th June dated 29 May 43

No. 146 ACCOUNT OF INDIAN BUREAU WITH GEORGE W. TERRELL [April 15, 1843] Republic of Texas To Geo W. Terrell For services as Indian Commissioner from the 6th Feby to Dr. tl",e 10th April 1843-63 days at $5.00/ 100 per day -······ $315.00 Cr. By amount included in draft on the Treasury in favor of Pennington -·-·-----·---------··--··---·-· ·--··-··..·-··· ... ... ...... ·-····· 30.00 " Amount included in draft in favor of Porter ........ 8.00 ·· Amount included in draft in favor of Stroud --- ---- --· 11.50 ·• Amount of Cash paid by the Treasurer on account of Salary ..... . .. __ . ·- . . . _ ............ . . . ...... ... ··-·· 100.00


Balance due-Dollars $165.50

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