Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Executive Department Washington, June 22d, 1843

To Jas. H. Raymond, Esq. Acting Treasurer, etc.

Sir-Pay the above amt. of fifty two dollars and fifty cents to Lewis Millican, out of the appropriation for Indian purposes, in your hands to my credit, and hold this as a voucher for set- tlement. I have the honor to be Your obt. servt. Sam Houston Treasurers Office June 23 1843 Received the above specified amount in Exchequer Bills


Brazos River Millicans Ford May 7th 1843

The Republic of Texas.

To Lewis Millican Dr. For crossing Delaware Indians and pack horses, on the Expedi- tion to Comanche Nation $ 10.00

I certify on honor that the above is correct and that the above numbers were crossed the River. J. C. Eldredge Gen. Supdt. Indian Affairs To his Excellency The President of the Republic of the ----- [Endorsed] Genl Houstons order $52.50 June 22d 1843 Indian purposes To Lewis Millican for Ferriages etc. Lewis Milligan Papers

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