Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Jesse Chisholm his Jack X Harry mark his Jo. X Harry mark

(2) Recd. Washington, April 14., 1843, an order on J. F. Torrey & Co. for three hundred and forty five dollars, which, when paid, will be in full for service rendered to date. his Jim X Shaw mark (3) Recd. as above thirty four dollars & fifty cents. his Red X Horse mark

Recd. as above thirty four dollars & fifty cents. his Jim X Second-Eye mark


Recd. as above one hundred dollars. his


Jo. X Harry- mark

Recd. as above one hundred dollars his


Jack X Harry mark

Recd. as in No. (1) two hundred and forty-five dollars

payable on or before 15. Oct. next.

his Jim X Shaw mark

[Endorsed] Indian Receipts.

April. 1843.

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