Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Cr By Dft on Govt in favour H Klaener at 60 days from Apl 26 1843


$ 94.64 Washington, May 5th 1843


1 hereby certify on honor that the above goods were purchased by me for outfit of Commission to Comanche Nation and for In- dian presents-and that the amount is payable in par funds agreeably to terms of purchase J. C. Eldredge [ E11tforsttlJ $,625.45 1st June

Treasury Department Washington May 8, 1843

Eighty four days from dates the Collector of the District of Galveston will pay to Torrey and Brothers or Order the sum of Tu-o Hundred a.nd Fo,·ty ji1:e dollars in par funds out of any money collected by him on account of Customs.

By order of the President James B. Shaw [Name Actg. Secy


[Written across the face of the original document] Cancelled Arnt deposited and to Cr of Collectr qr ending July 27th/ 43 J B Shaw Accepted J H Eache Collector [End,mml] No. 2 Pay to L. Frosh on order Torrey & Brothers Lawr. Frosh

Treasury Department Washington, .May 8, 1843

Twenty three days from date the Collector of the District of Galveston will pay to Torrey and Brothers or Order the Sum of Six Hundred a.nd Twenty five 45/100 in par funds out of any money collected by him on account of Customs. $625.45

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