Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



fifty cents in merchandize, and charge the same to the Govern- ment, payable sixty days after date. Your obt. servt. Sam Houston [Endorsed] The within amount was paid in merchandize at par money rates by Messrs Torrey & Brothers- J . C. Eldredge Genl. Supdt. Indian Affairs Washington May 6, 1843 Washington, Texas, April 14, 1843 Due Jim Shaw, a Delaware, for Indian service in the year 1842, two hundred and forty five dollars payable on or before the 15th day of October next out of the appropriation for the pro- tection of the frontier. Sam Houston [Endorsed] The within specified amount was paid Jim Shaw in merchan- dize by Mess. Torrey & Bros. at pai- money rates J . C. Eldredge Genl. Supdt. Indian Affairs Washington May 6, 1843

Indian Bureau

Bot of Torrey & Bros.

1843 April 1 200 lbs lead


$ 20.00

@ @



6 Pieces Ferretting 2 Doz Butcher Knives 10 Pr Blankets 1 8/12 doz Hoes 1 8/12 Doz Hatchets 5 %. ,, Fancy Hakfs 2 Pieces 64¼ Yds Prints 1 Do 35~/,.. H Do 2 lbs Vermillion 105 Bunches Beads 105 Doz Lather Boxes 2 ,, German Silver Combs 1 ,, Shears 11/12 " Do 2 Needles 1 ,, ,,


11.00 30.00 10.00 15.25 28.75


,, ,, ,,

3.00 6.00 9.00 5.00

I t

,, ,,

8.15 8.82

1/ 2/


12.00 26.25

2/ .

2.50 1.50 5.00 2.00 I

5.00 3.00 4.00 4.59 4.00 5.00


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