Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



and fifty cents in merchandize, and charge the same to the Gov- ernment, payable sixty days after date. Your obt servt Sam Houston [Endorsed] The within amount of Thirty four dollars and fifty cents was delivered to Jim Second Eye in merchandise valued in par money-- J. C. Eldredge Genl. Supdt. Indian Affairs Washington, May. 6. 1843

Washington, April 14th 1843

To J. F. Torrey & Co. Gentlemen-

Please pay to Jo. Harry a Delaware, one hundred dollars in merchandize and charge the same to the Government payable sixty days after date. Your obt servt. Sam Houston [Endorsed] The within specified amount was paid in merchandize at par money rates by Messrs Torrey & Bross--- J. C. Eldredge Genl. Supdt. Indian Affairs Washington May 6, 1843

Washington, April 14, 1843

To J. F. Torrey & Co. Gentlemen -

Please pay Jack Harry a Delaware, One hundred dollars in merchandize and charge the same to the Government, payable sixty days after date. Your obt servt Sam Houston [Endorsed] The within specified amount was paid to Jack Harry in Mer- chandize at par money rates--by Mesrs Torrey & Bros. J. C. Eldredge Genl. Supdt. Indian Affairs Washington May 6, 1843

Washington, April 14, 1843

To J. F. Torrey & Co. Gentlemen- Please Pay Red Horse, a Delaware, thirty four dollars and

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