Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 133 DRAFT ON GOVERNMENT [April 4, 1843] Falls of Brazos April 4th 1843

Sixty days after date You will please pay to Robt H Porter or order Sixty six 62/100 dolls in Exchequer Bills for Supplies furnished the Indian Commissioners as pr a/c rendered.. To Secy of Treasury

G. W. TERRELL J. S. BLACK Commissioners


Sam Houston

[Endorsed] Gent Houston's Order $66.62 May 6 1843 Indian Purposes,· To R. H. Porter for supplies

Executive Department Washington, May 4th, 1843

To Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer, etc.

Sir-Pay the above amount of Sixty Six dollars and sixty two cents to Robert H. Porter, or order, out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian purposes, and retain this ad a voucher for settlement. I have the honor to be Your obt. Servt., Sam Houston Treasurers Office May 6th 1843 Received of Jas H. Raymond agent for the Treasurer the within specified amount of Sixty six 62/100 dollars E Bills. John E Smith

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