Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



5th July. 1843.

Draft (K)

Wm. N. P Marl'in

Treasurers Office July 6th Received of J H Raymond Act. Treasurer the within specified amount in Exchequers G. W. TERRELL

No. 132 ACCOUNT OF INDIAN BUREAU WITH WILLIAM N. P. MARLIN Fort Milam Ap 4th 1843 Republic of Texas To Wm. N P Marlin Dr for 5 Beeves delivered the Indians. Commrs. Messrs Terrell Black and Smith at the Council ground on Tehuacana Creek $20_......... $100 00 60 lb Bacon --~-------··· .... . 25 1/- 15 00 67 lb Bacon ······-······· ..... 25 1/- 16 75 6 prisoners four weeks 24 00

155 75

payable in Exchequers Bills

40 -

$115. 75

Received 40$ of G. W. Terrell Recd payment by draft on Secretary of the Treasury. Apl 4th 1843 Wm. N. P. Marlin

Credited by G W Tener [Terrell] $40.

[the foilowing written across face of document] Settled by Draft



To be filed with Draft (K)

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