Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Thomas Bryson of the County of Wash- ington, of said Republic, have this day nominated, and appointed, and de by these presents, nominate, constitute and appoint George W. Terrell. my lawful agent and attorney in fact. for me and in my name and stead. to make a settlement of my accounts with the Treasury Department of the said Republic, and for me and in my name to apply for, receive and receipt for, any money which may be due me for my services as secretary of the commissioners to hold a Treaty with the Indians upon the fron- tier of Texas. And any and all acts in the said premises. done by the 3aid Terrell shall be good and valid, as if done by myself. April 3rd 1843 THOMAS BRYSON This day personally appeared before me, D. W. C. Vary, an acting Justice of the peace for the county of Robertson, Thomas Bryson, and acknowledged that he executed the above power of attorney for the purposes therein mentioned. April 3rd 1843. D. WC VARY (JP) [Endorsed] Power of Attorney

Thos. Bryson G. W. Terrell

No. 131 DRAFT ON GOVERNMENT [April 4, 1843]

The Secretary of the Treasury of Texas

Will pay to the order of William Marlin, Sixty days after date-One hundred and fifteen 75/100 dollars. it being for sup- plies furnished the Ind'ian Commissioners, as per amt rendered. April 4th 1843 G. W. Terrell J S Black Commissioners [the fo)]owing written across face of original document] Mr Raymond, Actg Treasurer will pay the within Draft of $115. One hundred, and fifteen Dollars, out of the fund for Indian purposes. Sam Houston

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