Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 129 DRAFT ON GoVERNMENT [April 2, 1843]

The Secretary of the Treasury of Texas

Will please pay to the order of Isaac Pennington one hundred and n·inety nine dollars and fifty cents for goods furnished the Indians Commissioners-as per accts rendered-and oblige. April 2nd 1843.

G. W. Terrell J S Black


Approved Sam Houston Oct 21st 1844 Examined and found correct

Thomas G. Western Supdt Indian Affairs

I certify the within Draft was given by Genl. Terrell and myself and the amount was apply to the Indian in treaty with them J. S. Black Sept 24th 1844 Approved for one hundred and ninety nine Dollars, to be paid out of appr for Indian liabilities under act of 30th Jany 1845. Feby 1/45 Anson Jones Pay to :he order of Torry & bro. ISAAC PENNINGTON No 5 $199

No. 130 GHANT OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TOG. W. TERRELL [April 3, 1843] Republic of Texas County of Robertson Know all men by these presents that I

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