Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Maj. A Brigham Treasurer Sir you will please pay the above amount of Seventy eight dollars and four cents in Exchequers out of the fund for Indian pruposes 3l~t Mar. 184:3 Sam Houston Treasurers Office Apl 29 1843 Received of Jas. H. Raymond Agent for Treasurer the within amount of Seventy Eight 04/100 dollars JOHN RAMSAY [E11 1 lorse,IJ Genl Houston ol'der $ 78.04

Mch ~l) th 1843 Indian Pu,·poses To John Ramsay for Merchandize

No. 128


Executive Dept Washington April 1st 1843

To Major A. Brigham, Treasurer,

You will pay to Mr S. Z. Hoyle Seventjā€¢ Dollars, out of the appropriation for Indian purposes, to bear his Expenses to Houston etc. Sam Houston Treasurer's Office Apl 1st 1843 Received of A Brigham Treasurer the above specified amount of Seventy dollars E.B. STEPHEN Z HOYLE [Endorsed] Genl Houstons order Apl 1st 70. $ Indian Pui·poses To S. Z. Hoyle fo1· Expenses to Houston

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