Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



March 12. Hon Pierce M Butler notified the Commrs. through his Secty. Mr Burgeville of his arrival at the Waco Village as Commr. in behalf of the United States, March 13th Genl. Terrell started for the Trading House and returned in two days accompanied by Mr. Butler; while there Jack Ivy and Sloat arrived bringing intelligence that Jim Shaw and other messengers would be in in a few days with sundry Chiefs of various tribes March 21st Sanchez Chisholm and Delaware Jim came in, and stated that Jim Shaw and the Chiefs would be in-in three days March 25-Indians arrived and I was dispatched to settlements aiter Corn for Indians When the business of the Council was finished, G W Terrell acldressed the Indians. Brothers. Our Council is now concluded. This day, like the one on which we first met, is bright and beautiful. This we look upon a;; an evidence that the Great Spirit smiles upon our proceed- ings. The winter has just passed off, and Spring is breaking upon us. War is like Winter; its face is surly and dark. We must let all thoughts of war pass from our minds with the winter. The grass is springing up from the earth; the leaves are putting forth on the trees; the birds begin to sing in the forest. All nature seems to be smiling around us. So when we return to our homes our hearts, and the hearts of our people will be glad and joyful. They will rejoice in the prospect of a lasting peace between the ,vhite and the Red man.


Washington, March 28th, 1843

Republic of Texas

To S. L. Johnson, Dr. Supplies furnished Lipan and Tonkawa, during their visit to this place .................................................................. $ 18.00 The ahove is correct.

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