Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Spirit to witness my truth when I say that I desire to make peace and live in friendship with my white brothers in Texas Council adjourned until tomorrow morning.

Thursday 30th March 1843

A Jetter from His Excenency the President bearing date, Wash- ington Feby 13th 1843. was read and interpreted to the Indians in Council. This Jetter seemed to give great satisfaction to aU present.

Capt. Black's Address

My brothers Chiefs and braves,

You have heard the word from our great Chief read. therefore I have but a few words to say to you. I Know them to be the words of truth. I am glad to be able to say, that after so many troubles we have at last met together in this circle and smoke the Pipe of Peace, AU men who have served in War Jove peace. It wilJ make me glad to Jive the balance of my days in peace with the Red Brethren may we ever have an eye single to that object-so that the great Spirit may see that we dweH together in peace. I have been with you for some time, I have travelled with some of you. you have attended upon me promptly, and I have found your conduct in an cases honourable, at some future period, I may say more. When we meet again at the grand Council.-- The Council adjourned until tomorrow morning. Friday Morning 31st March 1843 The Council met pursuant to adjournment and_the Article of agreement was signed by an the Commrs in behalf of Texas and the Chiefs of the tribes then represented and the same hav- 'ing been fuHy attested by competent witness-the Council ad- jcurned-sine-die- Thomas Bryson Secty. Memorandum March 3rd J. B. Ransom was accidentaJly kilJed by his gun go- ing off while crossing a Branch of Tehuacana Creek. March 4th T. Bryson was appointed by the Commissioners as Secty pro tern of the Delegation

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