Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



truth comes from your lips as it comes from mine, what. we have done in this Council is good and right and should not be made wrong by other people. I hope that what we are now doing is in truth, and that our women and children may be allowed to pass along in peace and safety and not be injured or molested by the white people of Texas, Where I and my people now live appears like a Cloud of smoke caused by warfare-on my return I will endeavor to pat out the war fires. I hope we will be successful in making peace with all my Red brethren. I have heard my Red brothers and the Commissioners talk and believe it is good that we should all be friends and live in peace; they are old and I will follow like a child. When I was a little boy, I attended the Councils of Old men where the white flag waved in peace, and I hope it may now wave in peace among us. What our white brothers have said about giving us land and permission to hunt the Buffalo in peace, I believe to be true, and I also believe what my white brother has said that as long a.s the sun shines and rivers run we will be permitted to live in peace on the lands set apart for us, what you have said I be- lieve, and rely on being the truth, and call upon the Great Spirit the sun to witness my truth, when I say so. What we have all said round this Council I believe to be true, and I will hold fast to all that my Red brethren and the Commissioners have said, I will tell my Red brethren at home, and they cannot help Knowing it is good, and approve of it. There are but three chiefs in my tribe, two besides myself, I believe when I inform them of what has passed here, they will assist me in carrying out the views of this Council I am rejoiced to be here, and am glad that I will be per- mitted to settle in this country when I go home and tell my people they will be glad, and when all those tribes living beyond me hear what I shall tell them on my return, they will be glad and believe it to be good to make peace and live in friendship with their white brothers, and our proceedings here are all good. I will carry the good news west. Govr. Butler East-and you West and South so that all men may hear it I wish you to look on me as a man and not as a child, When I go home I will speak to my people like a man. This is all I have to say at present, I call upon the Great

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