Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



ail that I have to say at present, I concur in all that my friend Roasting Ear has said. When I left Texas at the commencement of the difficulties I did not take any part but remained neutral, Roasting Ear and I, will assist you and stand by you in all your difficulties with other Indians and act as, mediators in Concert with your com- missioners, Let not our meeting here in Council be in vain, but let us endeavor to carry out our intentions; I suppose there are many bad men among The Texas people as there are among the Red men I wish you to restrain the bad white men and we will endeavor to restrain the Red men from committing depredations. I have nothing further to say at present but when the great Council meets you will hear from me again. Bintah, the Caddo Chief spoke as follows, Brothers, my heart is glad to meet you my friends the Delaware and Shawnee Chief have come before you and spoken. my friends are big men, but I will follow like a child, I have only one thought in my heart, I have heard your talk and hold fast to it, your talk is good. This day the great Spirit the sun our father and the earth our mother witnesses that what I speak is truth, When I return among my people I will give them the same talk you give me, what I say to day, I talk as one brother to another. What I say to day I shall say always If I should awake in the middle of the night, I still think the same as now, and I will be true all the time. Our women and children will now be without fear, the road is cleared, for them to travel without dan- ger, I believe that what you have told me ·is truth, and that from this time henceforth we are all friends-- Jose Maria the Anadarko Chief declined addressing the Council stating that he had heard all that had been said and that had nothing further to say then that he fully concurred in all that had been said by the other Chiefs who had spoken in every respect. Acaquash, the Waco Chief then spoke as follows, Brothers, I am very glad we have all met here today, In the midst of this Council I wish to speak truth, The Land I now stand on was once mine, the Whiteman now owns it, my home is now in the far west. I call the Great Spirit to witness that Is-peak truth and desire peace Your tongues are white and

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