Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 5 APPOINTMENT OF SAM HOUSTON, JOHN FORBES, AND JOHN CAM- ERON AS INDIAN COMMISSIONERS BY HENRY SMITH [December 28, 1835] In the Name of the People of Texas Sovereign and free- To Whom these presents shall come, Be it known. That I, Henry Smith, Governor of Texas; by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor aforesaid, do hereby com- m1ss1on John Forbes, Sam Houston and John Cameron Esqrs as Commissioners on the part of the Go,·ernment of Texas. in conformity with the Declaration of the chosen delegates of all Texas in Convention assembled in the month of Novcmber last, setting forth the external bounds within which certain Indians therein named are to be settled. And in conformity with an Ord'inance and Decree passed by the Legislative Council of Texas i.;ncler date of the 22 inst. authorizii:rr the appointment of the said Houston, Forbes and Cameron for the purposes afore- said to treat with the Indian Tribes in conformity with the su- perior declaration of the Convention, and pursuant to and in conformity with the said Ordinance and decree as above desig- nated, and to be governed by the accompanying instructions. All acts performed by the said Commissioners on the part, and in the name of the People of Texas, within the purview and by virtue of this authority shall be valid and ultimately ratified by this Government, in good faith, when finally ratified or sanctioned by this Government. In testimony of which I Henry Smith, Governor as aforesaid have ht?reunto set by hand and affixed my private seal, (No seal of office being yet provided)

Done and signed at my office in the Town of San Felipe, this 28th day of December, Eighteen Hundred and thirty five


Chas. B. Stewart Secretary of Executive [Endorsed] Commission to John Fol'bes, Sam Houston and John Cam- eron, f1·;1m Heni·y Smith. 1835.

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