Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



sent the Delaware in this Council, I have been trying hard for some years to make a general peace among the Indians and it is for that purpose you see me now here for the purpose of enter- ing into arrangements of that Kind, I wish very much to make peace between all the Red men and white men of Texas and it is for that reason you now see me take an active part in this Coun- cil. It will be very good for you to (\hey the wishes of your Chief in making peace with all the Indians and I will assist you all I can. I wish you not to turn your attention to little things but to things of importance which I will do myself. The great Spirit is looking down upon us, and sees we talk the truth, and with his blessing the peace will last forever. Brethren I wish us to go hand in hand together in this matter it will be mutually advan- tageous to ourselves our women and our children. Prevent your young men from committing depredations al'd I will do the same. We are glad to see Govr. Bulter come here to say the Texas people are the same as the United States, and that justice between the Red and white men should be done. I have nothing further to say, but what I have said is the truth. Linney, the Shawnee Chief then addressed the Council as follows, Brothers, I am very much rejoiced to meet you at this period of the day, You never will hear from me anything but the words of truth, I have always been at peace with the white neople of Texas and the United States. I will listen to your Council and disregard the Council of bad men, I have lived in TE-xas a long time, I have heard bad men talk but I have always disregarded it, and Kept to the old path, at present there are men of several different nations here, that are and have been situated the same way as myself. · I am glad that myself and my red brethern are here to d11,y, and to see our white flags of peace waving in this council, and I hope will accomplish all our wishes before we part from this Council. In ancient days our fathers fought a long time, at last made peace, we have only fought a short time and we want to make peace. As to the conduct of our young men, in stealing Horses etc. they act like children and they shall be restrained. This is

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