Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



(pointing to Govr. Butler) to witness this Council and to help io make peace between Texas and her red brethren. He will inform the red man of the wishes of the President of the United States.-- My talk is done. [Endorsed] Minutes of the proceedings of the Council held at Tehuacana Creek 28th March 1843. · At a Council begun and held upon Tehuacana Creek, on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1843, and continued from day to day between Commissioners delegated for that purpose from the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the following tribes of Indians, (to wit) The Delaware, Shawnee, Caddo, Ioni, Ana- darko, Waco, Tawakoni, Keechi, and Wichita, or Towaashes [Tawehash ?] It was solemnly agreed that the war which has unfortunately existed for such a length of time, between the Republic of Texas, , and several of the tribes represented in this Council, and which has strewed the path between us with the bones of our brethren, has broken up our habitations, and desolated many of our homes, should cease, and that there shall be strife between the white man, and the Red Man, no more, forever. Therefore it is agreed that there shall be a grand Council bP.tween the Republic of Texas, and the Tribes here represented, and all other tribes of Indians inhabiting, residing, within or n<'ar the frontier of Texas, or resorting the same, at such time and place as may hereafter be agreed upon between the President of Texas and the said Indian Tribes, at which Grand Council the Un~ted States are to be invited to attend through repre- sentatives; the purpose of which Grand Council, shall be, to settle and conclude a definite and permanent treaty of peace, and friendship, between the Republic of Texas, and all the In- dian tribes, residing within or near the limits of Texas, or re- sorting thereto. In the mean time, between this and the meeting of the said Grand Council, we solemnly bind ourselves, and we call the great spirit to witness this pledge, and invoke his vengeance upon us and our people, if we violate it. That all further hostilities, and depredations of every Kind shall.cease, that as soon as we can return to our respective homes, we will restrain the wild, and bad men, of our respective nations, and will not suffer them to. go out to war, or plunder, any more, until after the meeting of the Gra1. d Council before mentioned.

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