Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



would make trouble between us, must be punished, but we must not go to war. If a red man does mischief in our country, the President will inform the Chiefs of his nation of it before going to war; if a white man does injury to a red man, his Chiefs must inform the President, and he will punish him; but they must not go to war. ---- We will give our red brothers a country to live in, in Texas. We have a great abundance of buffalo and other wild game to feed the red men who come to live in Texas. But the red men ought to recollect that the game in the woods and the prairies will not last always. For this reason they ought to settle them- selves, make them farms and raise something to live on when the game is all gone. We will establish trading houses in their country to sell to the Indians all the goods they may need. Our traders will buy from them all their horses, mules, skins and other things they may want to sell. We will also send Agents to live amongst them, who will always send the talks of the red man to the President, and carry back his talk to them. He will see that Justice is done to the Indians by all white people, and that none shall intrude upon them. ------ -- -- The President has sent across the great waters for three hundred fine lances to present to the chiefs and big warriors amongst the red men; they will be here in seven moons, when he will send them to your country, or send for you to come and receive them. The President wants the Chiefs and head men of all the tribes that are here to go with us to Washington to see him. When they get there he will make them some handsome presents. Once in every year he will meet them, or send men to them and make them presents. When he finds that they will keep the peace between us, he will give them powder and lead to kill game. But as we don't want to deceive our red brothers we must tell them that Texas is very poor. We cannot do much for them at present; but we will be able to do more and more every year. Texas is now like a child; 'it has to crawl, but will grow up by and bye to be a man. We will then protect and take care of our red brothers. We have now a great deal of the best land in the world; we will give our red brothers as much of that as they need. We have also a great abundance of buffalo, deer and bear and our red brothers can come amongst us and hunt them in peace and safety. -- -- -- -- -- Our great Father of the United States wants the red man to be at peace with Texas. He has sent one of his big Captains

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