Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



as Mexico and Old Spain always extended to the Indians. The grant to Burnet embraced the land thus given to the Cherokee, and the question is between the General and the State Government. In 1827 when president Victoria extended to Bowles the pos- sessory title to the lands occupied by the Cherokee the General government alone could convey the land-the state government had no right.

No. 4

APPOINTMENT OF SAM HOUSTON, JOHN FORBES, AND JOHN CAMERON AS INDIAN COMMISSIONERS [December 22, 1835] Be it resolved by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas That Samuel Houston, John Forbes, and John Cameron, be, and they are herei.,y appointed Commissioners to treat with the Cherokee Indians and their twelve associate bands, under such instructions as may be given them by the Governor and Council; and should it so happen that all the commissioners cannot attend any two of them shall have power to conclude a treaty and report the same to the General Council of the Provisional Government for its approval and ratification. Passed Dec. 22, 1835.

JAMES W. ROBINSON Lt. Gov. and Ex-officio

Pesident of the General Council Henry Smith Governor

E. M. Pease

Sec. of Council Approved 28th Dec. 1835

Chas. B. Stewart Secretary of Executive

Transcript [Endorsed] Resolution of the Genl. Council of the provisional Govern- ment relative to John Forbes, Sam Houston and John Cameron, Esqrs. Commissioners to treat with Cherokee Indians - - 1835 - -

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