Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I




Sam Houston

Executive Department Washington, March 20th, 1843

TC' Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer. etc. Sir,

Please pay the above amount of Twenty five dol- lars to Mr. Thos. M. Hawkins, out of the fund to my credit in your hands for Indian purposes, and retain this as a voucher for settlement. I have the honor to be Your obt. Servt., Sam Houston Treasurers Office Mch. 20th 1843 Received of A. Brigham Treasurer the above amount of Twenty five dollars.- THOS M HAWKINS [Endorsed] Genl Houstons order $25.00

March 20th 1843 Indian Purposes To T. M. Hawkins Carring Express

No. 122

MINUTES OF INDIAN COUNCIL AT TEHUACANA CREEK [March 28, 1843] Minutes of a Council. held on Tehuacana Creek, commencing on Tuesday 28th March 1843. Pre::;ent as Commissioners in behalf of the Republic of Texas : G. W. Terrell, John S. Black, and T. I. Smith Esqrs :--T. Bryson Sec. Present as Commissioner in behalf of the United States: Hon Pierce M Butler.-Burgeville Sec. ---- -

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