Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I




Boska [Bosque?] Trading House Feb 24th. 1843

My old Friend, As my Taxes are not yet paid, and my sacred word is pledged for the payment of some small debts, I must be excused for requesting you to send One hundred dollars to my son Bing- ley, by the hands of Mr. Torrey for which do not forget to take his receipt.- Had it not been for high water, I should have done myself the pleasure of calling on you as I came up, because I should have been better satisfied to converse with you on the subject of my present duties, and to have heard any thing you might have had to suggest upon the subject-- We are getting on pretty well, The Indians are to be here or at Tehuacana Creek in fifteen ~ays, but as your friends Terrell and Hill have written particu- lars it is unnecessary for me to say more. You may depend on our doing our best for you and the country. My compliments to the madam. Hoping this may find you in good health and content- ment I beg you to believe me your friend, etc. JS BLACK P.S. Do not forget my kind old friend to send the money, for I assure you my most sacred word is pledged and you are all of my dependents But few will pay Taxes, but I want to be one of that few. JS Black The Treasurer will pay to Mr. J. F. Torrey the sum of one hundred Dollars in Exchequer; and charge the same to account of Jno. S. Black, Indian Commissioner, and take the receipt of Mr. Torrey ac- cord'ingly. Sam Houston 1st March 1843 Recd of A. Brigham Treasurer one Hundred Dollars in Ex- chequer Bills- Washington March 1st 1843- J ohn F. Torrey

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