Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



assist Luis Sanchez to go and see the Indians at·thier Villiages and to bring them to the Treaty and that he was ingaged Seven- teen Days and that he cam to our Camp in the Company with J C Eldredge who had bin employed by the President to bring the Indians in


No. 116 DRAFrS ON GOVERNMENT [February 24, 1843]

Mr James Ross. You will please to let Capt Yonsey a Tonkawa Chief and bearer have one pound of powder two pounds of lead, and four twists of common smoking Tobacco. If you have not got it in your Store, be pleased to procure the articles, and I will cash the account at any time Truly yours 8AM HOUSTON 24th Feby 1843 [Written across face:] Judge Toler Be so good if you please to call on Maj Brigham for the amount necessary, and I will give him, an order, on the Indian fund for the current year at any time. Houston [Note in pencil by Toler:] Mr Ross is very unwell and can not leave his house-he has none of the articles required-I know not where they can be procured without the cash of which ar- ticle I am minus DJT [Note on back:] Washington 23 Feby 1843. Recd. of A Brig- ham Esqr. Treasurer Ten dollars in Exchequer bills on the with- in order $10. Dan J Toler for James Ross [Endorsed] To Mr. Ross Mercht Present For Judge Toler Present Genl. Houston orders Feby 23rd. 1843- $10. Indian purposes-To D. J. Toler for Powder and Lead

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