Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



and kind feelings now existing and has been so signally mani- fested by the United States. I have the honor to be with respect your obdt servt JOSEPH WAPLES Acting Secretary of State [Endorsed] Copy to Jesse Benton Jr Dist Atty 9th Sept 1842 Jos Waples Acting Secy. of State to / Sept. 9th 1842 Jesse Benton Junr. Esq. Communicating certain instructions

No. 113 LETTER FROM JESSE BENTON, JR. TO ANSON JONES Boston Bowie County Texas Nov. 15, 1842


Hon Anson Jones Secretary of State Sir./

I have the honor to acknowledge your communication under date of June 5th 1842, accompanied by a communication of the Hon. Joseph Eve, charge d'affaires oi the Government of the United States to the Republic of Texas, enclosing a copy of a Letter addressed to the Hon John C. Spen- cer, Secretary of War of the United States of America: by P. P. Pitchlynn, a delegate from the Choctaw nation of Indians, to the government of the United States at Washington, under date of the 20th of March 1842; and in obedience to your request, I have the honour of transmitting the following report, as the result of my investigations of the subject referred to in your letter. As soon as my official duties would permit, I proceeded to institute inquiring, having particular reference to the complaints contained in Mr. Pitchlynns letter abovementioned. In regard to the first complaint, which refers to a murder alledged to have been committed by a Texian, upon the person of a Choctaw Indian, I would respectfully beg to draw

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