Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 3

DOCUMENT RELATING TO MEXICAN LAND GRANT TO CHEROKEE INDIANS [Undated] In the year 1821 Gen Austin and Hayden Edwards both memorialized the General Government to obtain grants of col- onization contracts, and after a time and a series of changes in the Mexican Government they both succeeded in obtaining grants; Edward's grant included all the country East of the boundary of Austin's Colony to the Sabine and North of the San Antonio Road 20 miles in a direct line. Edwards went on in compliance with his contract, and in carrying it out he charged the colonist one bit per acre for their deeds. The col- onists thinking this an imposition, and a perquisite to which he was not by Law entitled memorialized the Executive of Coahuila and Texas, setting forth this and other streaches of power and authority which Edwards had been guilty of praying the inter- ference of the Government. In consequence of this memorial the Executive of the state in 1826, summoned Edwards to ap- pear before the Governor and Council and answer the charges in the memorial contained. Edwards instead of obeying the mandate of the Governor raised the standard of rebellion and in conjunction with Rich- ard Fields and Dr. Hunter, attempted to drive out the troops and authorities of the Government, all the well disposed cHizens East of the Trinity united against Edwards and his party. The Bowles and Big Mush and all their friends joined with the au- thorities, Genl. Austin called out the militia of. his colony and marched to their assistance, Col. Ymatha was sent on from the interior to command and reinforce the forts, Fields and Hunter were put to death by the Cherokees who had sided with the authorities. The troubles being over and quiet restored, all the civil au- thorities of the country, Genl. Austin and Col. Ymatha memorial- ized the supreme government, stating the services that had been rendered by The Bowl and his friends and requesting that the land might be assigned them which they then occupied. In 1821 an answer to this memorial arrived from Mexico containing a Colonel's commission and a complete set of Regimentals for The Bowl, and a Civil Badge for Big Mush, and possessory title such

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