Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I


reaching home give to their young people and others our talks that we sent for them which talks were good-from your letter we suppose they never have told this to their people, what we said we wish you to notify should it lay in your power-who are the people that are in the habit of committing depredations upon the people of Texas after you inform them that our talk to them is to quit all such practices that they are guilty of and if they should not abandon such robbery and murder then inform us who are the principal ones that partake in this design-from many difficulties which have existed between Texas and the Mex- icans which are calculated to disturb the tranquility of others who partake in them our advice to you and all other Indians is to have no interest or partake in them whatever as they are furnished with Arnmuntition and Guns and the Indians being poor have none therefore in order that your children may not be affrighted have nothing to do in their war and combine all other indians the same as one, and not meddle in no way with either side-Those who attended the Council saw the agent and white man who had some talk with you and wished to have more -now we have wrote to some of those agents and try and get them to inform the people of Texas not to cross into your Coun- try and interrupt you should they get into your country before they cross-in Conclusion we have to say to you listen to the good talks that the Muskogee give to your people in Council and impress it upon the mind of your people our talks that we gave to you and say to the different tribes and your people-to raise your children and live in peace and friendship and remember the necessity of doing well towards all-we shall send a letter to Capt Wm Armstrong with yours and relate to him your sit- uation and the condition you are in by adhering to our advice we send to you and be friendly you may someday have good people that will come to your houses and men that will be of service to your people-Our last talk to you is to read this that we send to you and ask yourselves is not this a good talk that the Muskogee send to your people is not right Your Friends truly JIM MARTHLER MIEED [ ?] X (his mark) H0P0CHTHLI Y0H0L0 X (his mark) TUSC00MAH HARGO X (his mark) JIM BOY X (his mark)

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