Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



thereunto belonging, for and during and until the full end and term of his said appointrpent. Giv€:n under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the Republic, at the City of this fifty day of July A.D. 1842 and of the Inde- pendence of said Republic the seventh. By the President Secretary of State [Enclorsecl] Copy of Commission h,sued to Indian Commissioners Col Scott, Stroud Durst and Williams No. 110 LETTER TO THE CHIEFS OF THE CADDO FROM JIM MARTHLER MIEED, HOPOCHTHLI YOHOLO, TUSCOOMAH HARGO, AND JIM BOY copy Tuckebutcher Council July 20th 1842 To the Chiefs of the Caddo Friends and Brothers, We this day received a letter sent to us from one of your people in reply to which it affords us great pleasure to answer it -we will say to you that when our people the Muskogee had our iast council with the different Tribes and nations there we were to lay all good talks before the people-we were aware sometime back from information which we received of many difficulties and troubles that your people have had with the Tex- ians, but after an interval of time we heard no more and sup- posed you doing wen but from your statements we find that you are again about to be molested by the Texian Army-we further understood from your letter that you are about to abandon your Crops--that your old women and Children have tried to raise and leave it to itself again-your letter mentions of various tribes neighbours to your people are in the habit of entering Texas and bringing away from that Country Cattle and horses which they having robbed with Sca:ips of people that they have de- stroyed-at the General Council which was held 'in our Country not a great while ago where we met in Council tribes of many nations there we held out to them good talks and endeavoured to impress upon their minds good feelings and friendship and told the men who attended that Council that they must all on

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