Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



I will merely add that should not paramount considerations of State policy induce your Excellency to defer this matter for the present, common feelings of humanity, I doubt not will prompt you to meet this friendly overture on the part of these wild men of the prairies, in a like spirit of amity. With sentiments of Sincere regard, I have the honor to be your obt. hum. servt. JAMES LoGAN, Creek Agent [Endorsed] Letter from James Logan Agent for Creek Indians June 1, 1842. No. 109 APPOINTMENT OF HENRY E. SCOTT, INDIAN COMMISSIONER, BY SAM HOUSTON [July 5, 1842] IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY of the REPUBLIC OF TEXAS Tc all whom these Presents shall come or may concern,- Greeting ;-- Be it known, That I, SAM HOUSTON, President of said Republic of Texas, reposing special trust and full confidence in the honor, patriotism, fidelity, skill, and capacity of Col Henry E Scott, do, by these presents, constitute and appoint him, the said Col Henry E Scott, in conjunction with Ethen Stroud Esqr. Joseph Durst Esqr. and Col. Leonard Williams to the office of Commissioner to t?-eat with any a.nd all Indians on the frontiers of Texas, agreeably to his instructions from the Department of War and Ma1·ine. Giving, and hereby granting to him, the said Col Henry E Scott full power and authority, as such, to exer- cise and discharge, all and singular, the duties, obligations, and trusts, to his said office in any wise appertaining, by the Con- stitution and Laws of this Republic :-To Have and to Hold the same, and all and every the Honors, Fees, Perquisites, and Dues

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