Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 108



Creek Agency, June 1st., 1842


At a grand council convened in the Creek nation on the 15t ult. composed of the representatives of some eighteen tribes of Indians bordering upon the South Western frontier of the United States who were called together at the instance of Genl. Roly McIntosh principal Chief of the Creek nation, for the purpose of establishing terms of friendly intercourse between the several tribes represented in th~ council, and for the adjustment of ex- isting difficulties. There were also present three Chiefs from the prairies bor- dering upon your Republic, viz: Now-no-hitch-tow-e, head chief of the Keechi. Ki-ki-seerookah, a Wichita Chief, and Sarpowe, Chief of the Tawakoni. It is at the earnest solicitation of the latter named Chiefs, that I have taken the liberty of addressing you this communica- tion. They represent that hostilities have existed for some time past between their people and the Republic of Texas; but they are now anxiously desirous for peace, and wish to establish terms of friendly intercourse and trade with your people. That this friendly overture now tendered to you would have been made at an earlier period, but from the fear of approaching you personally on account of the hostile feeling they were induced to believe existed on the part of your people towards them. They further represent that this desire for peace includes the Co- manche, and all the tribes, and parts of tribes of those wild prairie Indians bordering upon your frontier, with the excep- tion of a small band of disaffected Cherokee, with whom they have not communicated on the subject. They are solicitous that your Excellency may be pleased to appoint a time when it may be convenient for your [?] to meet them for the purpose of entering into a treaty and that it mar be at as early a day as may comport with your Excellency's other important duties, and the interests of the several parties concerned.

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