Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



strict and punctual performance of all the requirements of Jus- tice, law and the treaty stipulations, as regards those Indians settled upon our Northern frontier, and will do all that lies in my power to bring offenders against them to punishment. I believe that the citizens, of this portion of the Republic, have endeavoured to observe all the requirements of Justice and good neighborhood, and in no instance have they crossed Red River in pursuit of Indian Depredators, but when necessity com- pelled them in order to protect themselves and families from massacre, and their property from depredation. It is with regret that I am compelled to state one instance of wanton aggression upon the said to belong to the Chickasaw nation. Richard H. Sowell, a Brother to the Sowell, before al- luded to without any provocation within my knowledge, fired upon and mortally wounded the said Indian whilst crossing Red River into the United States of which wound the indian died a few days thereafter, in the County of Fannin, of this Republic. He received every attention which the Citizens were enabled to afford him. For this offense an Indictment has been found, foe offender arrested, and will be tried at the next term of the District Court, for the County of Red River, when he shall be dealt with according to the strictest rigour of the law. Since proceedings have been instituted against the said Sowell, I have been informed, that a demand has been made upon Genl. E. H. Tarrant, for him, (Sowell) by the Agent of the Chickasaw, to be delivered to the authorities of Arkansas, 'in order that he may be tried there for this offence[.] Believing that the Jurisdic- tion of the Case more properly belongs to this country, I shall proceed upon the indictment, now pending against him, unless otherwise instructed by my own government. I have the honor to be with the highest respect your obdt & humble sevt.

JESSE BENTON, JR. Dist. Attorney 7th. Judcl. Dist.

[E1ulursed] Report of Jesse Benton Jr Dist;·ict Att◊i-ney, etc. in relation to Frnntier Indian depredations, t-tc. Jesse Benton Jr. Esq To May 11th 1842 StCl'etary of State Indian Affairs

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