Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



order you to demand of the aforesaid Stroud a fine of fifty dol- iars and the cost of the suit-- RUIZ July 29th 1835

To the Alcalde of Nacogdoches

LETTER FROM VINCENTE CORDOVA TO MANUEL FLORES [July 19, 1838] To Manuel Flores Sir I hold a commission from General Vicente Filisola to raise the Indians as auxiliaries to the National Army and I have al- ready entered upon my duties by inviting a meeting of the neigh- boring tribes, and being informed that you are appointed for the same purpose I would be glad to know what preliminary ar- rangements you have made towards the accomplishment of the objects contemplated; and I hope you will make every effort to approach with such force as you may have at your command as far as you may judge proper, and that you will make all ef- fort to hold with me a verbal communication in order that we may have in our respective stations an understanding, and that you will bring the pipe which I understand you are in possession in order that the Indian Chiefs may smoke it of the Cherokee and other tribes, who have promised me to unite as soon as pos- sible for action, and who have also agreed that in case our plans should be discovered in the mean time, they then will commence operations with the force we may have at command, and it is highly desirable that you should approach to give us in such case a helping hand. We have heard here that the troops have commenced opera- tions in La Bahia but do not know whither it is true. I desfre we should treat with each other in full confidence which is necessary to the success of our commission. I will say no more at present than that you may act in full confidence of your friend that S.M.B. VICENTE CORDOVA [Enclorsed] Vincente Cordova to Manuel Flores July 19th, 1838.

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