Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



ately and found the Body, and brought him in, in an hour. These indians were tracked to the U. S. line to the mouth of Mineral and are supposed to be Cherokee. There has this week 30 head of horses been stolen out of this neighborhood; and they run into Red River Bottom when they were pursued, supposed to be Cher- okee, and my fence on last Sunday night, was laid down in 7 places, and 2 horses stolen out of my yard; and every night since the indians have been around my house and their tracks seen supposed to be Cherokee or Chickasaw.-day Before yesterday 12 miles from Warren, a party of Indians, was found encamped; consisting of 17 men with a spy out:-their previous· camp had been found where they had been making Bows and arrows. They were traced to have come from the U. S. and crossed near the mouth of Mineral ; and are supposed to be part of the same In- dians who killed Alberty, a citizen of Texas. Prior to the killing of Capt SoweJJ, and annuities were paid to the Caddo at the depot in the Chickasaw nation, and that they laid it out for am- muntions and stated they were going to cross Red River, into Texas, and we do not know, what has since become of them; not having heard of them since. Last February a Mr. Davenport a citizen of Texas, was found killed, and in a pond in the Choctaw nation-He was left at a Choctaw camp by his companion, and afterwards found dead at or near the same; and his horse stolen-- (signed) MARK R. ROBERTS Jno T Mills Dis Judge.


Republic of Texas County of Fannin

I certify that David Rowlett per- sonally appeared before me and made oath in legal form that in the month of May 1840, he the sd. Rowlett was requested by General E. H. Tarrant to inform all, the Coushatta Indians, to be found in or near the sd. County, that if they would assemble themselves on the Bank of Red River, and inform him the sd. Tarrant, of their willingness to be conducted to a reservation made for sd. Indians, by sd. Republic on the Trinity River, they the sci. Indians should be placed on scL reservation at. the public expense, that he the scl. Rowlett did so inform all sd. Indians to be found of sd. request, that about thirty of sd. Indians did as-

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