Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



been stolen, from the Citizens of Texas which fact was com- municated to Majr Armstrong, the principal Indian agent West. Last March was a year ago a Choctaw Indian from the United States broke into my store and stole from my store about three hundred and fifty dollars worth of goods which fact can be established by the testimony of several of the Choctaw.-A short time since a Coushatta Indian well known as Coushatta Bill and belonging to the United States was killed in an attempt to steal horses from the stable of D. Dugan, of this County, about an hour previous the party of Indians to which he belonged had broken open the house of said Dugan and killed one man and wound~d another, and had also fired a number of other shots upon the family without effect. A short time since a Texian started to Missouri who camped about seven miles north of Red River in the Choctaw Nation who was there killed and supposed to be by- a Choctaw Indian.-About thirty horses have been stolen from our citizens, and one man killed within the last week by the In- dians, who were tracked to where they crossed Red River into the United States, and various other instances of like character might be cited.-indeed for the last four years, there has been an almost constant succession of such scenes.- (signed) Sworn to and subscribed J. G. JOWETT before me this 7th May 1842 Jno. T. Mills Dis Judge


Republic of Texas Fannin County May 7, 1842

This day came Mark R Roberts before me and on oath states that in the year 1840 some time in the Winter Col. Wm. G Cooke commanding, received information that a party of hostile In- dians said to be Cherokee were about leaving the Chickasaw nation for Texas, in an invading manner, and that they were


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