Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 101 ACCOUNT OF INDIAN BUREAU WITH JOHN F. TORREY Bosque Trading House Feby 24th 1842 Republic of Texas for Indian Commrs. Bot of J. F. Torrey 3 Gross 4/12 doz Brass Gilt Rings @ 6 25/- 1 White Ring 9 doz Gilt Crosses 1 doz " Breast Pins 93%.

$ 20.821/:? 31¼

8.403/.i. 5.62½ 3.121/:? 933/.,. 84

6211., , _

5 Painted do 1 pr Bracelets 8 White Medals 1 doz and 9 Brass do

1.25 1.25 3.75 2.50 2.18:1/.i.

2 19 6 56 5 00

1 doz and 9 Ivory Combs 2 doz German Silve1· do 2 Fine Silver Pipes 1 do do " Long do 2 Gilt arrow B. Pins 1 S·ilver do do 1 Chinese Vermillion 3 Boxes Percussion Caps

4 37½ 4 37 1/2

2 50 2 50 12 50


2 938/i.

$81 01 Recd payt by Dft on Treasy Dept for Eighty one 01/100 Dollars JNO F TORREY Washington 1st March 1843 Mr Jas B. Shaw Comptroller Sir You will open the appropriation, for Indian purposes for the year 1843 (current) and pay, out of the same, or order it to be

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