Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Gen. Government shall have determined upon what lands they shall be established. 20th Febry 1835 RUIZ To the Alcalde of Nacogdoches In answer to your Official letter dated the 17th of the present month I return to you, approve the account for $47.00 charged by the Sheriff for his services in having removed those individ- uals who had established themselves in the range or pasture of the Ch~rokee Indians in conformity with the order which I trans- mitted to you. 18th March 1835 RUIZ To the Alcalde of Nacogdoches Having recd. information that the Surveyor Stroud in con- travention of orders issued from this Department has dared to have surveyed lands within the boundaries of the Cherokee In- dians so as to include the house of one of their chiefs called Big Mush as has been stated to me by the Foreigner William F. Allison (who lives in the old Rancho of Joseph Durst) I com- mand you that you will summon the above mentioned Allison, that he will appear with his Witnesses to prove the act on some convenient day of this week, summoning also the above men- tioned Stroud to appear on the same day and that you will give notice t.hereof that I may send to you my instructions on the matter. RUIZ July 11th 1835 To the Alcalde Being informed of the result of the investigations, that you have made in the accusation against the Surveyor Stroud in your official communication made me of the 28 Inst. it is evident that the above mentioned Stroud had acted contrary to the instruc- tions given him by the Commissioner, and has violated the or- der issued to him from this Department for the maintainance of peace with respect to the lands of the industrious and peace- able Indians in consequence of which and in conformity with the obligations imposed upon me by the Law on that subject I

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