Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



standing corn, potatoes and sundries lately belonging to the Shawnee Indians: as per the appraisement of their property upon their removal from the Country. It will be found upon the examination of the instructions given us as commissioners, that we were only charged to treat for their removal from the country and superintend the payment for their improvements and property which they might lease. We had no orders to take charge of their property of any kind- Moreover the situation of the country was such that it would have been impracticable had such orders been given. The property was appropp'iated principally, by ranging com- panies and spies, who were at intervals sent upon that frontier under the orders of Genl. Douglass. Such being the facts relative to this subject, I flater myself that you will avail yourself of the earliest leisure moment to have the matter corrected at the Comptroller's Office. Should further information upon this subject be wanting; I would refer you to Majr Jas. Reily,

Respectfully Your obt Servant Ja. S. Mayfield

Charles Mason 1st Auditor

Sir I have read the above statement of Jas S Mayfield Esq. I was at Nacogdoches during the removal of the Indians and understood well the instructions of the Commissioners. They were authorized to treat with the Indians for their removal. This they did. It is impossible as far as I can judge from cir- cumstances, for the property charged against Messrs Rusk and Mayfield, to have come into the possession of those gentlemen, and feel certain that the statement of Mr Mayfield is correct Jany 3, 1841 Yours JAMES REILY


Executive Department Austin 11 Jany 1841


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