Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



waters at the time, we could then procede no farther and since owing to sickness and partly to negligence on the part of Mr. Jewell the Surveyor, I have not yet been able to finish the Surveys however I have removed the Coushatta and the Alabama Tribes on their respective lands as des"ignated in the commencement and they all appear to be satisfied with their situations Mr Jewell the surveyor has lately promised me that so soon as his health will permit that he will come up and unite with me and finish this business- Should any thing happen to prevent his comeing agreeable to promise I should like to be clothed with such powers as will enable me to go on immediately and finish the surveys in time to make a return thereof to your department before the adjournment of the present Congress-at all events I hope to be able to complete this engagement in a few weeks- I have the honour to be Yours Most Respectfully THOS G STUBBLEFIELD Indian Agent [Endorsed] To the Hon Abner L. Lipscomb Department of State City of Austin Thos. G. Stubblefield Coushatta agent 2d Novr 1840 No. 95 PETITION OF GRIEVANCES FILED WITH BRANCH T. ARCHER Childers Plantation, on Little river Dec. 14th 1840 To the Hon: Branch T. Archer Sir, Since the express that was sent from this place left, the hostile Indians have been in this set- tlement, committed depredaticns and perpetrated a murder. We stated in an express that every circumstance led us to suspect there was a number of hostile Indians in our neighborhood: our suspicions have been confirmed in a manner dreadful to relate. We visited the remains, yesterday, of a young man named James Childers, who was Cowardly shot down, and mutilated in the


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