Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



June to go to Fort Towson having heard that there was a boy of that name bought in there But we have heard nothing since from either them and had dispared of the news. But I think it is likely Benjamin has reached them ere this time and got his Brother But less he fail I should be glad you would be so kind as to write to William Bryan the consul at New Orleans that the relations of the Boy are living in Jackson County near Tex- ana and would be glad of any information that may be had relative to the boy until such times as they may be able to pos- sess themselves of him--allow me to assure you of the grati- tude I feel towards you and his excelancy the president for your kindness and trouble you have taken in this matter.

Yours with the Highest Regard JAMES Moss

[Endorsed] James Moss

29th Sept. 1840

La Baca. P. 0. Oct. 9th 1840

Honbl Joseph Waples Sec of St Austin

No. 94 LETTER FROM THOS G. STUBBLEFIELD TO ABNER L. LIPSCOMB Swartwout. Nov 2d 1840 To Hon Abner L. Lipscomb Sir I have had the honour to receive some months since from the Honorable David G. Burnet then acting Secratary of State at Austin, certain instructions dated Jany. 1840 in rela- tion to my commission as Indian Agent for the Coushatta and the Alabama Tribes of Indians, for a particular account thereof I refer you to a copy of the said instructions, I presume on file in your department-on the subject of my Agency I have to say, that in persuance of my instructions in the early part of the season I selected the lands intended for the Indians and partly completed the surveys for the Coushatta, but owing to the high

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