Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 92 LETIER FROM HENRY BROWN TO MIRABEAU B. LAMAR Gonzales, September 28th 1840 General Lamar, Sir, By the last mail I received the Austin City Gazette containing the letter of Mr. A. M. M. Upshaw, U. S. agent of the Chickasaw Indians, containing an account of the purchase by a "Chickasaw" of Thomas Pearce, a white prisoner among the Comanche. Having accidentally met with an uncle of this boy last fall I heard him relate the circumstances of the massacre of James Pearce's family, and will simply inform you where the boy's relations are. His brother, Benjamin Pearce, and his sister Jane, who is married to Mr. Jas. L. Moss, and Mr. Jesse Pearce, his uncle, live in Jackson county, 15 miles above Texana, in the neighborhood of the "La Baca post office." Any information which may be desired concerning them, can be obtained by addressing Mr. S. Addison White at sa-id P. 0. I am your obedient servant JOHN HENRY BROWN of Jackson county Texas [Endorsed] Gonzales Sept 30th Gen. M. B. Lamar City of Austin Texas John Henry Brown Sept 28th 1840

.No. 93 LETTER FROM JAMES Moss TO JOSEPH WAPLES Texana Sept the 29th 1840

Honbl Joseph Waples

Dear Sir,

Yours of the 16th came to hand bringing the cheering inteligence of my wifes Brother having been purchased in by the Indian agent of the U.S. at Fort Towson-my Erother- inlaw Benjamin Pearce left here some time about the last of

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