Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



honor to be Yr. mo. ob. st.

A. M. M. UPSHAW U. S. Agent of the Chickasaw

My address

Col. A. M. M. Upshaw, U. S. Agent of the Chickasaw Fort Towson Arks

No. 91 LETTER TO CITIZENS OF VICTORIA AND TEXANA RESPECTING INDIAN EXPEDITION FALL TERM [September 9, 1840] Copy Sirs-- On behalf of the people of Gonzales County we communicate to you that we have petitioned for a suspension of the District Courts for the fall term in order that the people may turn out en masse against the Indians. The 19th of this month has been fixed upon as the day of rendezvous at this place in order that we may join the first expedition which goes into the mountains which is expected to be from Bexar on the 20th and we can meet them on the upper Guadalupe--if Col Moore goes first we go with him and 'if you turn out in sufficient numbers to justify us we will go alone-this is proposed to be fitted out for a campaign without being specific as to time--the first who go will surely get a fight- Please use all exertions and consider this as addressed to you in order that it may be made public and as we are anxious to make a respectable force we call on you and the citizens of Vic- toria to join us - we also write a copy to Texana. Your Mot obt. serts. Gonzales Sept. 9, 1840 Neill and McCulloch P.S. Answer us as soon as possible and let us know what you expect to dn----- [E11<1orse,'] Letter to Victoria and Texana respecting Indian Expedition Copy Sept. 9th 1840

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