Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



COPY OF A LAW OF THE LEGISLATURE OF COAHUILA AND TEXAS RELATING TO THE INDIANS [May 12, 1835] In order to secure the Peace and tranquility of the State, the Government is authorized to Select, out of the Vacant Lands of Texas, that Land which may appear most appropriate for the Location of the Peaceable and civilized Indians which may have been introduced into Texas. Article 2. It shall establish with them a line of defense along the frontier to secure the State against the Incursions of the barbarous tribes.

done at Montclova [sic] the 12th day of May 1835 (signed) AUGUSTIN VIESCA Gov.

I Marianno Irala Secy.

[Endorsed] Copy of a Law of the Legislature of Coahuila and Texas re- lating to the Indians 12th May 1835


The Supreme Government of the State, satisfied with the intention of the Cherokee Coushatta and other Indians will not permit them to be disturbed in the lands which they now occupy until the Genl Supreme Government shall determine upon the matter, and the Chiefs of the Cherokee nation having been made known to me, that five or six families have lately introduced themselves, among which there is one of the name of Cook and the widow of- and have established themselves within the pasture lands of the said Cherokee and are doing them much injury killing and wounding their cattle and of the deer, and it being absolutely necessary to maintain peace with those In- dians, that you proceed without loss of time to expel the said families from the above mentioned lands for which purpose you will order the Sheriff to be under the direction of Col. Bowles to inform these families of which he, Col. Bowles has complained, that they will immediately leave and remove themselves from the said lands, and that you will take care, that hereafter, that no body shall be suffered to Establish themselves within the Range on the pastures of the said Indians until the Supreme

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